How to Find Ideas

Bad ideas can be covered by great writing. The best content writers spend as many hours honing their ideas as they do on the technical aspects of their writing style and writing style. At BEACH, we have a process that helps strengthen and workshop ideas. Writers take the ideas and nurture them. Then they write.

Are you ready to take your content creation to the next level? With Blog Topic Generator, you can generate hundreds of unique blog post ideas with just a click of a button.

The AI-powered tool can help you quickly brainstorm new topics that are tailored to your target audience and get your creative juices flowing. Plus, you can customize topics to suit your specific needs, and order content on-demand to save time and resources.

So what are you waiting for? Take advantage of this powerful tool today and start creating content that will engage and delight your readers!

Gather the Seeds of Good Ideas

Keyword research is a common starting point for writers, but it has its limitations. Many great ideas don’t have a 500-monthly search keyword. Many great ideas have been compromised by the unneeded constraint of keyword targeting. There are many types and types of content. Not all articles need to be SEO-friendly.

You can also find the seeds of great ideas through keywords:

You can nurture them to fruition

Every idea is not great right away. Sometimes they require time to rest in your mind. Sometimes they require more data or a different frame to be their best. This can be encouraged by:

Deep dive How to make people care about your content: Find the right angle

Harvest Ideas when They’re Ripe

It is helpful to determine the characteristics that indicate a blog post idea has potential to be written. You can look at these four things when you are evaluating ideas.

Deep dive: The Idea Farm: How To Sow, Grow and Harvest Great Ideas for Blog Posts

How to interview someone for an article

A page of search engine results can be opened by anyone. They will then read half a dozen articles and create their own interpretation of the topic. No expertise, experience or research is required.

Even if the articles rank for the target keyword, which is not a sure thing in today’s highly competitive search environment, they won’t be able to convince the reader that these articles were written by real experts.

Interviews with industry professionals (often called subject-matter experts or SMEs) is the fastest way for you to create credible and authoritative content. Interviews with SMEs are a great way to gain new insight into content and simplify blogging. Although the process is straightforward, ask questions to help you write your article. We’ve also learned some tips for making the most of every interview.

Deep diveHow To Interview Someone For An Article

How to Outline

Our writing process is anchored by our outline. They are like roadmaps. A written plan that guides the reader to their destination and addresses each point along the way.

Our outlining process is based on three stages:

We use McKinsey’s framework to help us determine when an outline is finished. It is called mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive (or MECE) for short. Great articles are able to cover the subject matter in sufficient detail to avoid missing ideas ( collectively exhausting), while managing to avoid repetition and straying into unrelated areas.

How to write an introduction hook

The introduction is the most important part of any article. The introduction must compete for attention among a multitude of distractions, and grab the reader’s attention. It must clearly and concisely present the topic and convince the reader that it solves their problem. It must offer enough value for the reader to keep them coming back, and all within just a few paragraphs.

These constraints are often faced by great writers who stick to a few familiar principles.

Professional writers often assume that the introduction is a good way to “tease” readers. To make their money, they try to convince the reader to read the entire article. However, if there are dozens of articles competing for the reader’s attention then the most likely outcome is a quick tapofthe back button.

Deep dive: Hook, Line, Sinker: How do you write an Introduction?

How to write persuasively

Any article’s core purpose is to persuade. It is the writer’s responsibility to convince the reader that their idea, whether it be a product, process or story, is credible. Ideally, they should take steps to implement it. Few articles are written with persuasive intent. Instead, they simply dump their thoughts onto the page and hope the reader will see the connections.

We use an ancient philosophical framework, antithesis, synthesis, to solve this problem and produce consistently persuasive content.

Deep dive:Persuasive writing in three steps: Thesis (Antithesis), Synthesis

Synthesis can be described as a type or persuasive argument known as “best objection”. You are trying to express the strongest objection possible and then systematically discredit it. There are many types of persuasive arguments, and the best writing includes multiple “strands of evidence” in combination.

These methods are essential for creating content that is successful. A great writer will combine multiple threads of evidence into a compelling argument.

Deep dive Persuade like a Lawyer: How To Write to Convince A Jury Of Readers

How to write with authority

You have probably read articles that are within a hair of credibility, but fall short of your expectations. It is technically correct. It might prove useful in parts. Although it is convincing and authoritative, it doesn’t pass the final sniff test. It’s almost marketing.

These articles are often near-misses because they lack the subtle marks of experience that lend credibility to their authors. These hallmarks of experience are called shibboleths. They are the little quirks and turns in the phrase that show that the author is knowledgeable about their subject matter.

An example: An article for developers uses “JS” as the shorthand for the technically correct but never used “JavaScript”; basic concepts aren’t treated as groundbreaking (what might be an epiphany to you, the writer), stories and examples sound convincingly just like a day in your life.

These shibboleths are not easily understood by reading top-ranking blog posts. They can only be understood by walking a mile with your target audience. There are several ways you can do this.

Deep dive Why Readers Can Smell FAKES a Mile Away

How to write a conclusion

The peak-end rule is a psychological concept. This psychological concept suggests that the peak, which is the most intense part of an experience, is significantly influenced by our perception of it. For writers this means that the conclusion is a large part of a reader’s experience of an article.

While many blogging guides recommend using the conclusion to summarize an article’s key points in a blog post, it is not recommended. It’s not necessary to give a summary of the article that has just read. Boring conclusions can make an article seem boring.

The conclusion should be a place to add value, leave a lasting impression and, most importantly, to inspire the reader. You have many options to accomplish this:

How to make your article skim-able

Your blog posts can be written beautifully, but readers are unlikely to read them from beginning to end. We found that the average time spent on a page was 3 minutes and 15 seconds. This is about as long as it takes for an average reader to read 400 words.

If you accept the need to make your articles “skimmable,” you can ensure that your readers get a lot of value, regardless of how many words they read. This is the basic toolkit that we use to make web-content as “skimmable as possible”.

1. Split your text

Large walls of text that aren’t broken up cause many readers to lose their eyes. To break down text into manageable pieces visually, you can use any one (or more) the following devices:

2. BLUF it

Facilitate readers’ access to the exact information they require:

BEACH uses a principle called “Binary Line Up Front” to immediately add value to every piece of writing: Bottom Line Up front. The introductions and paragraphs should contain the most important information first: the main takeaways, important data, the story’s punchline. The reader gains value and continues reading for more context, not because of a cheap bait-and switch.

Deep dive:BLUF – The Military Standard that Can Make Your Writing Powerful

3. Add images and visual storytelling components

Images can be used to break up text. In some cases, images are better than text. Google Images is responsible for 22.6 percent of all SEO traffic. This means that creating eye-catching, original graphics can significantly increase your organic traffic.

How to choose a great title

Even great titles can ruin a great article. Article titles, just like the cover of a book is what determines whether it gets a “click.”

Sometimes, great titles can emerge from content creation right away. They are often refined over time through dozens of iterations. We ask content writers to come up with as many titles for blog posts as possible. This usually results in five to six very similar and somewhat random titles that all vary on the same theme.

To help writers break out of a rut, it can be useful to use a few different guiding principles:

5 Ways to Write Better Titles for Your Blog

Writing that gets read

There are billions upon billions of pages on the internet. Each page was designed to be read. The hard truth is that the majority of these pages will never be seen by human eyes. The few that do, however, will not leave a trace. Most articles, despite their intended purpose to inspire, teach or educate, are ignored, forgotten, and glossed over.

What makes great articles different? Great writing is the answer.

They are built on innovative ideas. They are based on expert perspectives. They are brimming with hooks and witty introductions that pique attention. They are comprehensive, logically organized, persuasive, authoritative. Even for the most casual skim reader, they provide value. They encourage the reader to use their newly acquired knowledge and lead with clear benefits, right in the title.

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